This is how we serve from June to August

Our service hours will change for the period from June to August. You can find Loimu's career services online throughout the summer.

Member services (membership and membership fee matters), phone 09 62268 510, are available in June and August from Monday to Thursday from 10 AM to 12 PM. In July, the member services phone line is closed.

For employment and civil service matters, you can reach the on-call expert through the Lakiluuri service from Tuesday to Thursday from 10 AM to 12 PM at 044 756 0150. Please contact the Lakiluuri phone service primarily for urgent matters. If you want to send a message, you can do so through the OmaLoimu service portal.

Career services are available online throughout the summer. You can participate independently in our online coaching sessions (in Finnish): Know Yourself, Perfect Job Application, Three-Step CV Coaching, and Ignite LinkedIn. Webinar recordings and video tips can be found in Loimu’s Tallennekirjasto and our career portal. Links require login with your membership number. Job seekers can use Loimu’s Avoimet työpaikat web page (in Finnish), and with the Palkkanosturi (in Finnish, log in to the member pages with your membership number), you can get comparative data to help formulate your salary request. Personal coaching services are closed from July 11th to August 2nd. You can check available times in our appointment calendar.

Loimu’s switchboard, phone 09 6226 850, is open in June from Monday to Thursday from 10 AM to 2 PM. The switchboard is closed from July 1st to August 2nd. It will be open again from August 5th to 30th, Monday to Thursday from 10 AM to 2 PM.

You can find all our contact information and service hours on the Contact information page.

Have a great summer!

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