Supported vacations for Akava members and their families
Hyvinvointilomat ry offers supported vacations for Akava members and their families, with themes for families, retirees, and the unemployed.
Hyvinvointilomat ry enables over 900 families with children to have vacation experiences this summer. Of those selected for these vacations, 79% are participating in a supported vacation for the first time.
Social holidays are granted based on economic, health and social grounds. You can print a holiday application in English and send the filled application. More information: Social holidays for people with low income and those most in need
Application periods for supported vacations
There are three application periods for general vacation applications:
- In November, you can apply for vacations from January to May.
- In March, you can apply for vacations from June to September.
- In August, you can apply for vacations from October to December.
See more information about the leisure benefits offered by Loimu.