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Frequently asked questions

What is happening? At its meeting on 19 January 2024, the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff Akava’s Board of Directors dec…

Employment in the municipal sector

Loimu’s members in the municipal sector work in hospital laboratories, environmental healthcare, environmental monitoring and inspection duties and te…


If you become unemployed or are laid off, you must register as an unemployed jobseeker with the Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office)…

The walkouts on Tuesday 6 February

Akava and its affiliates, including Loimu, are implementing political industrial action, i.e. walkouts, on 6 February at 2 p.m. The walkouts will end …

Employment in the private sector

Nearly half of Loimu’s official members, in other words approximately 4,500 members, work under private employers in small and large companies, public…

Danske Bank's student benefits

Significant Benefits for Student Members of an Akava Union The financial peace of mind for Finnish students is at its lowest level in recorded history…

Unemployment benefit for students

As a Loimu member, you can join the unemployment fund Erko through us. As a student, it is important that you join the fund early enough so that you c…

Parental and family leaves 

Employees have the right to pregnancy or parental leave for pregnancy or childcare, childcare leave, and temporary childcare leave. According to the l…

Co-operation at workplace

The purpose of co-operation negotiations is to keep all staff groups informed about the employer’s situation and the changes planned by the empl…

Leaves of absence

Throughout one’s career, there may be a need for various types of leaves and absences. These may include, among others, study leaves, parental l…

Sick leaves 

You do not need to be at work when you are sick. However, you must reliably inform your employer about your illness. The right to receive pay during s…
