Contact information
If you wish to meet one of us personally, we kindly ask you to book an appointment in advance!
The Union of Professionals in Natural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences Loimu
Mikonkatu 8 A, 8th floor, 00100 Helsinki
Loimu office number:
Tel. 09 6226 850
Mon-Fri 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Career Services
Employment advice
Lakiluuri - Loimu lawyers' telephone service
Tel. Tuesday to Thursday at 10 - 12Lakiluuri - Loimu lawyers' telephone service
Tel. Tuesday to Thursday at 10 - 12Personal legal consultation related to employment contracts and other employment issues. Contact the telephone service primarily in urgent matters only.
Member services
Phoneservice Mon-Thu at 10 - 12
General secretary
General management, influencing
Mikko Salo
Executive directorMikko Salo
Executive directorgeneral management, influencing, Vice Chair of Akava
Member services
We help you with all membership-related matters, for example, with questions related to the membership information and membership fees and becoming a member. We’re here for you!
Member services
Phoneservice Mon-Thu at 10 - 12Carina Feodoroff
Member secretaryCarina Feodoroff
Member secretarymembership services, membership fees and member matters
Heidi Tuovinen
Member secretaryHeidi Tuovinen
Member secretarymembership services, membership fees and member matters
Employment advice
Loimu's lawyers provide advice on matters related to employment contracts, working hours, annual leave, parental leave, terminations, layoffs, or unemployment benefits. You can reach us through OmaLoimu. For urgent matters, please contact the Lakiluuri telephone service first. For cases requiring research or background checks, we will respond within 2-3 business days. Please reach out through only one service channel.
Employment advice
Lakiluuri - Loimu lawyers' telephone service
Tel. Tuesday to Thursday at 10 - 12Lakiluuri - Loimu lawyers' telephone service
Tel. Tuesday to Thursday at 10 - 12Personal legal consultation related to employment contracts and other employment issues. Contact the telephone service primarily in urgent matters only.
Arja Varis
Advocacy directorArja Varis
Advocacy directoradvocacy, government sector employment advice, unemployment benefits
Maija Holma
Chief negotiatorMaija Holma
Chief negotiatoruniversity sector advocacy and employment advice, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, education policy
Marjaana Kousa
LawyerAnna Kytömaa
LawyerAaro Riitakorpi
Public affairs manager, chief negotiatorAaro Riitakorpi
Public affairs manager, chief negotiatorJukka Sippola
Chief negotiatorJukka Sippola
Chief negotiatorprivate forest sector advocacy and employment advice, YTN’s EPA and forest sector support groups, Loimu’s own collective agreements, industrial policy
Career Services
We help you to find your own career path, negotiate on your salary and succeed in your job search. We offer you an extensive training selection, a webinar library, the Palkkanosturi tool and personal training services.
Career Services
Petra Bedda
Career coachPetra Bedda
Career coachcareer coaching, job search, occupational well-being, entrepreneurship
Suvi Liikkanen
Careers service directorSuvi Liikkanen
Careers service directorcareer services entity, salary advice, placement in the labour market
Organisational activities
We are responsible for Loimu’s organisational activities, membership growth and benefits as well as member association and student activities.
Johanna Hristov
Organization DirectorJohanna Hristov
Organization Directororganisational activities, membership growth, member association activities, supervisor of membership services as well as student and organisational activities
Mira Airola
Member experience managerMira Airola
Member experience managermembership growth, membership benefits, membership events
Henri Forssten
Member Acquisition ManagerHenri Forssten
Member Acquisition Managermember acquisition in workplaces and higher education institutions, student organisation cooperation, team leader of campus promoters
Enni Ruuhilahti
Member experience managerEnni Ruuhilahti
Member experience managerstudent activities and member maintenance, student member associations and events
Campus activities
We are responsible for the student cooperation and member acquisition at our campus. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to ask about student organisation and guild cooperation matters or are considering Loimu’s student membership!
Elizaveta Husu
Campus promoterElizaveta Husu
Campus promoterstudent member acquisition and student organisation cooperation in University of Tampere
Aiko Konttinen
Campus promoterAiko Konttinen
Campus promoterstudent member acquisition and student organisation cooperation, University of Helsinki, Kumpula campus
Karolin Kurvits
Campus promoterKarolin Kurvits
Campus promoterstudent member acquisition and student organisation cooperation, University of Helsinki, Viikki campus
Riikka Lebeitsuk
Campus promoterRiikka Lebeitsuk
Campus promoterstudent member acquisition and student organisation cooperation, University of Oulu
Maisa Pikkarainen
Campus promoterMaisa Pikkarainen
Campus promoterstudent member acquisition and student organisation cooperation, University of Turku & Åbo Akademi
Inna Siimes
Campus promoterInna Siimes
Campus promoterstudent member acquisition and student organisation cooperation, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio campus
Sanni Törölä
Campus promoterSanni Törölä
Campus promoterstudent member acquisition and student organisation cooperation, University of Jyväskylä
We take care of Loimu’s communications so that our members receive up-to-date information, for example, through our website, member letters and the Loimu magazine. We are also responsible for the research activities and related communications.
Anna Melkas
Communications directorAnna Melkas
Communications directorcommunications, research activities, editor-in-chief of the Loimu magazine, YTN’s laboratory sector support group
Pauliina Heikkilä
Communications SpecialistPauliina Heikkilä
Communications Specialistcommunications, social media, stakeholder communications
We are responsible for Loimu’s financial, HR and data administration as well as for the smooth working of the union’s employees and shop stewards.
Adam Kral
Finance and administration directorAdam Kral
Finance and administration directorfinancial and HR administration, agreements and procurements
Eila Ruonala
Administrative secretaryEila Ruonala
Administrative secretaryevents and happenings, member register, YTN’s chemical sector support group
Päivi Toivonen
Finance and HR secretaryPäivi Toivonen
Finance and HR secretaryfinancial and HR administration, invoicing