Loimu invoicing address

Our company is now able to receive invoices electronically.

Business ID (Finland) 0202153-4
VAT identification number (Global) FI02021534
E-invoicing address (Finland) 003702021534
E-invoicing service provider (Finland) Maventa
E-invoicing service provider ID (Finland) 003721291126
Operator Broker ID in banking network: DABAFIHH

PDF-invoices can be sent to the address: invoice-02021534@kollektor.fi

Please note the following:
– Invoices sent as e-mail attachments.
– Only one invoice per file, which includes all the pages of the invoice.
– You can send multiple invoices in one email. All files with an individual name.
– One e-mail can be maximum 10Mb.
– PDF-files need to be real PDF-documents, version 1.3 or newer.
– PDF-files cannot be locked or password-protected.
– The dimension of the document can be maximum 210 x 297 mm.
– The name of the attachment can only include the regular marks: a-z, A-Z, 0-9.

Paper bills should be sent to the following address:

Luonnon-, ympäristö- ja metsätieteilijöiden liitto Loimu ry
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan

Please note the following:
– The serial number in each invoice’s address field, not only on the envelope.
– Only black text.
– Send only invoices with attachments to scanning.
– Do not use staples.

Best regards,
Luonnon-, ympäristö- ja metsätieteilijöiden liitto Loimu ry

Additional information:
www.tieke.fi/en Information about e-invoice and invoice addresses service
www.talenom.fi/en Accounting outsourcing services