In accordance with the EU Privacy Policy, we provide the possibility to send personal information files in an encrypted manner. The encrypted email can be sent via a web browser using the following instructions.
- Open the website link
- Enter your email in the field provided
- Email should be registered, register by “ordering” the link to your email.
- Close the browser and log in to your own email. Click the link to email, check the spam email box if it does not appear to have arrived. The post’s title is Registration, by no-reply at
- In the web browser, a link will be displayed.
Enter the recipient’s email address as the recipient:
A message to the Career Services:
Enter urapalvelut (at) as the recipient. Please provide a clear title, for example, CV commenting or CV comments in English. Include the necessary attachments and send the message.
For the sake of security, it is a good idea to send an ordinary email that says you’ve sent an encrypted email. Despite the email redirections, some emails have ended up in the spam folder.