
There are 65 candidates from 9 different electoral groups in Loimu's council elections.

List of candidates
Council Election 2024

Loimu Internationals
Do you feel that the decision-making forums of LOIMU are too homogeneous and lack diversity and a different perspective? If yes, Loimu internationals is exactly for you where we will safeguard your interests as international members often face
more complex challenges in Finnish working life.

2 Ahmed Zafar

Loimuava vasemmisto
Loimuava Left is a nationwide and interdisciplinary electoral association that brings together left-leaning members of Loimu. We aim to create a stronger and broader Loimu that advocates for a sustainable future for the planet, workers, and students.

3 Ahokas Atte
4 Kuivalainen Maija
5 Mäkipää Anna

Kipinä – Muuttuvan työelämän tekijät
Kipinä candidates are an interdisciplinary group of experts from various stages of evolving careers. We are experienced influencers within Loimu or other organizations. What unites us is the desire to elevate union activities to the 2020s, where employee well-being and work flexibility across different life situations are key factors in achieving a good working life.

6 Anderssen Hanna
7 Asola Armi
8 Heikinmäki Nella
9 Huikuri Teemu
10 Ikonen Juho
11 Juustila Merli
12 Juva Katriina
13 Jääskeläinen Miiro
14 Kiviluoto Riku
15 Lindfors Leena
16 Maasilta Tommi
17 Mali Julia
18 Malve-Alhroth Sara
19 Muuri Tarmo
20 Mähönen Sanna
21 Nenonen Ville
22 Nielsen Jessica
23 Saari Elli
24 Saksman Miikael
25 Vesala Inka

Loimun opiskelijat -vaaliliitto
An electoral alliance founded by Loimu’s student associations.

26 Kalliomäki Saku
27 Michelin Benjamin
28 Ryökäs Pauliina
29 Siimes Inna
30 Timonen Sasu
31 Varjonen Alisa

BYYGKIT -vaaliliitto
An electoral alliance of experts in Biosciences, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Health, Geosciences, and experts in Higher Education, Innovation, and Healthcare. An electoral alliance promoting broad Loimu expertise, the quality and appreciation of education, and sustainable employment.

32 Ekman Asta
33 Halkoaho Tapio
34 Lonka Harriet
35 Lönnfors Max
36 Marjoniemi Eevastiina
37 Mikkola Perttu
38 Muje Petri
39 Mäkinen Marjaana
40 Saarela Janne
41 Siitonen Vilja

Yksityinen sektori
An electoral group of candidates working in the private sector. Our candidates represent, among others, professional and managerial staff in the chemical and technology industries.

42 Ekholm Niko
43 Korhonen Jani
44 Lahdenperä Susanne 
45 Svahn Tomi

Loimun metsä -vaaliliitto
The expertise of foresters brings valuable insights into advocacy. We know how to consider the specific issues of the forestry sector and professional forecasting in the union’s decision-making for the benefit of our members. By strengthening the position of foresters within Loimu, we ensure that our industry’s voice is heard and listened to.

46 Herva Maria
47 Nivala Jani
48 Nivala Mikko
49 Rantala Jouni
50 Väisänen Matti
51 Ylikoski Eedla

With a strong voice from the public sector, we advocate for all members of Loimu. We represent a wide range of experience from various government agencies, professions, and age groups. We have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in public sector work. Together, we promote the interests of all Loimu members.

52 Hartonen Sari
53 Hippi Marjo
54 Ikonen Iiro
55 Kinnunen Matti
56 Mäkinen Maria
57 Panula-Ontto-Suuronen Anni
58 Penttinen Sari
59 Pyhälahti Timo
60 Rissanen Ninni
61 Vainio Jouni
62 Vehanen Teppo

Kaikkien Loimu | Everybody’s Loimu
Founded by members of Loimu’s International Members’ Advisory Board, we promote:
– Greater diversity on Loimu’s Council
– Solidarity & collaboration between Finnish & immigrant members
– Equality & non-discrimination
– Bold action against legislative proposals to weaken workers’ & immigrants’ rights

63 Barron Pelayo
64 Dong Junru
65 Hänninen Sandra
66 Walters Nick

Learn more about the candidates in Loimu’s voting advice application