Co-operation at workplace

The purpose of co-operation negotiations is to keep all staff groups informed about the employer’s situation and the changes planned by the employer. Through these negotiations, the representatives chosen by the staff groups can influence the decisions being made.

Cooperation in Companies

When talking about co-operation negotiations, what often comes to mind are negotiations concerning workforce reductions or layoffs. However, the various cooperation laws require that negotiations be held regularly with staff representatives on many other matters, such as personnel and training plans and the employer’s financial situation. 

These cooperation laws apply to companies where at least 20 staff members are regularly employed, universities, all state agencies and institutions, as well as municipalities and wellbeing services counties. 

Different Forms of Cooperation

Forms of cooperation include dialogue between the employer and the staff, and co-operation negotiations. 

In Dialogue, the Topics Include:

  • The company’s or organization’s financial situation 
  • Workplace rules and practices 
  • Staff structure and skill requirements 
  • Well-being at work 

For dialogue purposes, the employer must provide the staff with sufficient information about the company’s status and plans. 

The employer must prepare and maintain a community development plan in cooperation with the staff representative to develop the work community systematically and sustainably. This plan is created and maintained as part of the ongoing dialogue. 

Co-operation Negotiations for Staff Reductions or Layoffs

We support our members in all difficult situations. One such situation is the co-operation negotiation concerning staff reductions or layoffs. 

Unfortunately, co-operation negotiations concerning dismissals or layoffs have increased. We are here to support you in these co-operation negotiations. You will receive both information and personal support for the negotiations from us. We also provide detailed guidelines for the labor union representative to conduct the negotiations effectively. 

Questions about co-operation negotiations?

  • Lakiluuri – Loimu lawyers' telephone service

    Tel. Tuesday to Thursday at 10 – 12