Approximately 2,000 of Loimu’s members work at the universities. Most of them are part of the teaching and research personnel. Many are working on their doctoral thesis.
People working in universities are covered by the general collective agreement for universities. Salaries are defined on the basis of the salary system for Finnish universities (YPJ) included in the collective agreement. The Aalto University has its own salary system.
The interests of Loimu’s members at the universities are represented by the Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals JUKO. Loimu actively participates in JUKO’s university advisory committee operations. The university advisory committee negotiates on, for example, the collective agreement for universities. Employers are represented by the Finnish Education Employers. JUKO and Loimu are locally represented by shop stewards. They negotiate with employers at workplaces and assist members in employment issues.
Loimu’s education and university policy committee is Loimu’s expert body in matters related to the education policy and university advocacy.
Lakiluuri – Loimu lawyers' telephone service
Tel. Tuesday to Thursday at 10 – 12 -
Maija Holma
Chief negotiator
We offer support for our members through trainings. Join the upcoming webinars or see the recordings. Sign in with your membership number to see the recordings.