Lakiluuri - Loimu lawyers' telephone service 

Loimu’s Lakiluuri assists you with work-related problems. Loimu’s lawyers give advice on matters related to work and employment relationships. You can ask Lakiluuri about topics such as employment contracts, working hours, annual leave, family leave, permanent and temporary lay-offs and the basic matters on unemployment benefits.

In addition to the Lakiluuri Service, you can get legal advice on work and employment relationship matters by sending a message through the OmaLoimu e-service. In matters requiring familiarisation or background checks, we will get back to you within 2–3 working days. Please only use one service channel to contact us. The staff in Loimu’s advocacy team answers to Lakiluuri. 

The Lakiluuri Service serves all members. 

Personal work and employment relationship counselling is included in the following membership levels: Student, StudentPlus and Full member. For Fresher-level members, telephone counselling covers matters that can be submitted by a union member and resolved by a lawyer over the phone without consulting documents or emails. Fresher, if you need more in-depth help, you can raise your membership level conveniently in OmaLoimu. 

Call Lakiluuri 

  • Lakiluuri – Loimu lawyers' telephone service

    Tel. Tuesday to Thursday at 10 – 12

Please get in touch through OmaLoimu service 

OmaLoimu is a personal service for Loimu members, where you can meet with our experts, pay your membership fees and update your personal information, among other things. Through OmaLoimu, you can easily reach all of our experts, and it is even safer to do business with them. 

  • Employment advice