Membership benefits

Membership services

We help you to find your own career path, negotiate on your salary and succeed in your job search.

We offer you an extensive training selection, media library, the Palkkanosturi tool and personal training services.

Contact our experts through OmaLoimu!

Insurance benefits

As a member, you are insured under organisation insurance, liability and legal expenses insurance and passenger insurance with the mutual insurance company Turva. In addition, you can get discounts on your other insurances.

Danske Bank benefits

As a member, you get a cheaper mortgage and investment benefits from Danske Bank. As a recent graduate, you should take advantage of Danske Bank’s low-cost daily services as a member benefit.

Unemployment Fund

Through Loimu, the members – also student members – can join the Unemployment Fund for Higher Educated Employees Erko. Only as a member of an unemployment fund can you be entitled to earnings-related unemployment benefit during unemployment, lay-off or job alternation leave.

Työttömyysturva Loimu

Leisure-time benefits

Our members have access to a lot of high-quality and affordable cottages and holiday homes in the Member+ service with other changing benefits and discounts tailored for Akava members.

Vapaa-ajan jäsenedut Loimusta, nainen luonnossa

Membership benefits for entrepreneurs

We offer our entrepreneurial members help, services and benefits. We promote the entrepreneurs and their matters together with other Akava member unions.


Other membership benefits

Loimu’s members are entitled to receive free telephone counselling on legal matters concerning private life from attorneys.