Members’ Newsletter

We email our members information about matters pertaining to membership. Our newsletter covers the current situation in your field, the labour market, and member benefits.
We send an English-language members’ newsletter, published a couple of times a year, to members whose language is not Finnish. Please, also check out our Finnish-language members’ newsletter, as it contains a “Briefly in English” section!
Additionally, we inform you about the training offerings with the “Loimu kouluttaa” member newsletter, which is published towards the end of each month, 11 times a year. Loimu offers you an extensive range of training courses every month, so make sure to take advantage of them!
The member newsletter is sent to the email address provided in your membership details. To ensure that the member newsletter and other communications reach you, the email address in the membership register should be up to date. In OmaLoimu, you can browse your own information and update your basic details in the “My Information” section.
Read more: How to update your details
Other problems in receiving Newsletter?
If you have updated your email address but still not receiving Newsletter, make sure that the newsletter is not directed to a spam or similar folder in the email client – or that it does not get caught in an organisation’s spam filter, for example.
Please see the links below for instructions on how to add Loimu to the list of trusted senders in the most common email clients and to ensure that you get the latest news from your trade union.
Google Gmail sorts incoming emails automatically, but you can categorize the emails you receive and choose which emails are directed into your primary inbox.
Gmail automatically sorts received emails into their own tabs by category. Emails that are classified as priority will appear in the main view of your email, while other categories will appear in one of the five tabs: Primary, Social Networks, Offers, Listings, and Forums.
As a Gmail user, you can categorize the emails you receive and help ensure that Loimu’s member letters show up directly in the main view. For example, you can drag a newsletter that has landed in your Promotions tab to the Primary tab with your mouse and accept Gmail’s suggestion to mark the sender of the message as a priority, so that the sender’s emails go to the desired inbox in the future.
If you do not wish to receive the members’ newsletter, you can choose the opt-out option in your membership information.