Membership fees

Loimu's membership fee is a fixed monthly fee that takes into account the member's life situation. The membership fee is tax-deductible.
Full member
Membership fee: 32,50 €/month
Full members have a university degree in natural, forestry or environmental sciences or are working in the Loimu field.
All member services and benefits are included in the membership:
- Loimu’s legal services and interests representation in the labour market
- Career services on the basis of individual needs
- Unemployment fund membership
- Traveller’s insurance
- Danske Bank benefits, Member+ service benefits and cottage rental
- Loimu’s member events, member association activities and possibility to apply for Loimu’s positions of trust
- The Loimu magazine, member letters, Loimu pocket calendar
Please note that you will have to join the unemployment fund separately.
Without unemployment insurance fund membership, the membership fee is 27,25 €/month.
Discounts are available for the full member’s membership fee.
Recently graduated Full member
Membership fee: 16,25 €/month
A member who has graduated during the previous calendar year and was a Loimu member when graduating will automatically pay a reduced price for the year following the graduation and starts to pay the full price only in the year thereafter. During the graduation year, the membership fee is the same as the student membership fee.
All member services and benefits are included in the membership:
- Loimu’s legal services and interests representation in the labour market
- Career services on the basis of individual needs
- Unemployment fund membership. Please note that you will have to join the unemployment fund separately in OmaLoimu.
- Traveller’s insurance
- Danske Bank benefits, Member+ service benefits and cottage rental
- Loimu’s member events, member association activities and possibility to apply for Loimu’s positions of trust
- The Loimu magazine, member letters, Loimu pocket calendar
Student member
Loimu’s student membership offers a choice of membership levels for eligible students pursuing a full-time higher education degree (bachelor’s, master’s, or equivalent) in the field represented by the union. Students can hold student membership for a maximum of 10 years.
Fresher level membership
Membership Fee: 0 €/month
Free membership until the end of the year following the start of studies. This option is available for students who have initiated their bachelor’s or university of applied sciences studies during the current academic year. After the free period, the membership automatically upgrades to the Student Level.
Includes benefits such as:
- free-time travel insurance,
- career services training
- legal advice in Lakiluuri,
- Member+ service benefits
- access to local student association activities
- Loimu magazine
Student level membership
Membership Fee: 2 €/month
Suitable for all university students, this level includes the benefits of the Fuksi Level and adds features like:
- personal salary counseling,
- career coaching,
- personalized legal advice
- individual review of employment contracts.
StudentPlus level membership:
Membership Fee: 7 €/month
This level includes all the benefits of Fresher and Student levels, plus
- the opportunity to utilize Loimu’s legal protection benefit
- accrue unemployment benefits during work periods while studying. You can separately join the unemployment fund without an additional fee when you have a valid employment contract.
Students can choose the level that best suits their needs and preferences.
Senior member
Membership Fee: 4 €/month
Senior members are individuals who have permanently and full-time transitioned to old-age pension or a preceding career pension.
Membership includes:
- Diverse leisure benefits in the Member+ service
- Senior events
- Benefits from Danske Bank
- Benefits provided by AKY (Akavalaiset yrittäjät/Akava Entrepreneurs)
- Travel insurance until the end of the retirement year
- Loimu magazine, member newsletters, Loimu pocket calendar
Supporting member
Supporter Individual
Fee: 8,25 €/month
Supporter individuals are those who do not require Loimu’s advocacy services or membership in the unemployment insurance fund. Supporter individuals do not have voting rights in Loimu’s elections.
Membership includes:
- Loimu magazine, member newsletters, Loimu pocket calendar
- Loimu’s own webinars
- Career services recordings on Loimu’s member site”
Member services
Phoneservice Mon-Thu at 10 – 12
Tax deduction calculator
Our calculator lets you know how much you pay after the tax deduction
Please remember that the membership fee is tax deductible. We will inform the tax officials on your behalf of the information on your annual membership fees. The amount of the tax deduction is affected by the municipality of residence, annual earnings and the size of the membership fee. The counter is indicative.