What is earnings-related unemployment benefit?
In order to qualify for earnings-related unemployment benefit when facing unemployment, you must have been a member of the unemployment fund for at least 12 months and meet the work requirement.

How do I join the unemployment fund?
You have to join the unemployment fund separately. You can join the unemployment fund only when you are currently employed.

Unemployment benefit for students
As a Loimu member, you can join the unemployment fund Erko through us. As a student, it is important that you join the fund early enough so that you can accrue the work requirement before you graduate. All work is included in the work requirement, which means that the work does not need to be in your own field.

Unemployment benefit for people going abroad
Unemployment security and internationalisation form a complex whole. When you move from one country to another, it affects how you can receive earnings-related benefits.

If you become unemployed or are laid off, you must register as a job seeker in the e-services section of Job Market Finland (Työmarkkinatori) no later than on your first day of unemployment.
You can apply for the unemployment benefit from your own unemployment fund or, if you are not entitled to earnings-related daily allowance, you can apply for basic unemployment allowance or labour market subsidy from Kela.

Unemployment benefit for entrepreneurs
Entrepreneur, take care of your unemployment benefit by ensuring that you are a member of the right unemployment fund. As an entrepreneur, you also receive earnings-related daily allowance if you are a member of an unemployment fund and meet the work requirement.