
Upgrade your membership to the StudentPlus level and join the unemployment fund! You will accrue earning-related unemployment benefit, receive an awesome overall badge, and enter a raffle for three S-Group gift cards worth €100 each.

The campaign applies to new members joining at the StudentPlus level (€7/month) during the campaign period from April 8 to June 16, 2024, as well as members upgrading their membership level (from Fresher and Student levels) who also apply for unemployment fund membership.

Secure your study time and prepare for working life

The government of our country has taken number of measures related to changes in unemployment benefits. Some of the changes were entered into force already at the beginning of the year and some will enter into force later in the spring or early autumn. The law, which enters into force on 2 September 2024, doubles the length of the work requirement required for earnings-related unemployment allowance.  It is more important than ever for students to join the unemployment fund well in advance.


When working life is calling, raise yourself to the Plus membership level! 

When working life calls in the form of a summer job or a more permanent employment relationship, include the Plus features in your membership. For a total price of €7 (month), you will also get: 

  • To accrue earnings-related unemployment benefit in employment relationships during studies. In this way, you can contribute to your potential to receive earnings-related unemployment benefit after your graduation.* 
  • The legal protection benefit you have accrued to cover your legal costs in the event of having to go to court about a working life dispute. 

*You can join the unemployment fund at the StudentPlus level separately at no extra cost when you have a valid employment relationship.  

Secure your study time and prepare for working life – Loimu is worth it 

StudentPlus Overall Badge!

When you upgrade your membership to the StudentPlus level and join the unemployment fund during the campaign period, you will receive a brand new StudentPlus overall badge.

The badges will be mailed after the campaign ends.