Recently graduated scientists
The minimum salary recommendation in 2024 for the recently graduated is EUR 3,900/month (EUR +150 compared to year 2023). The salary recommendation is based on the salary information generated by our labour market survey, especially on the actual salaries in the private sector. There are differences between different fields and sectors, and you can always ask for more detailed recommendation.
Salary recommendations for students
Are you are a student who is wondering about the salary recommendations for a summer job? Or are you working while studying?
Loimu’s salary recommendations for students in 2024–2025:
Early stage of studies, 0–180 credits, EUR 2,650/month
Middle stage of studies, 181–240 credits*, EUR 2,850/month
Advanced stage of studies, more than 240 credits, EUR 3,000/month
* Completed Bachelor’s degree
The salary recommendation for students who write their Master’s thesis to a party external to the university is EUR 3,000/month. It is recommended that the compensation be paid as a salary instead of a one-time payment.
The recommendation is intended for private sector work tasks concerning the student’s own study field. Salaries are also affected by job demands, area-specific differences, previous work experience and possible additional studies or special skills. You can calculate the hourly pay by dividing the monthly salary by 150.
The salary and Master’s thesis recommendations provided by us are based on our salary surveys and comparisons of salary recommendations for students of applicable unions.
If the industry has a collective agreement defining the salary of tasks performed by trainees and students, the collective agreement must be complied with.
An employment relationship and resulting salary are always the preferable alternative when compared to rewards, stipends and grants. The employment relationship accrues benefits to you, and the work requirement necessary for the earnings-related unemployment allowance also accumulates.
Salary negotiation sparring
If you need help with preparing the salary requirement, please send an email to the Career Services or reserve an appointment for personal salary negotiation sparring.
More information is provided by Loimu’s salary advice: urapalvelut (at)