New Members in Loimu’s Council: Sandra and Nick
Sandra Hänninen was elected as a member of the council from the ’Everybody’s Loimu I Kaikkien Loimu’ electoral alliance, and Nick Walters as her deputy member. Action against the government’s attacks on workers’ rights and labour unions is important for both Sandra and Nick.

Nick Walters is the founder of Kaikkien Loimu | Everybody’s Loimu.
”I’m a grant writer at Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), which means I help researchers write grant proposals, mostly to the EU’s Horizon Europe framework programme,” Nick says. ”Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the fields of stem cell biology and biomaterials at the University of Tampere.”
In his current role at Natural Resources Institute Finland, Nick is also a shop steward, i.e. trade union representative, for JUKO, the Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals within the labour union confederation Akava.

”I was also the founding chair of Luke’s ’Intercultural Community’ and since then have been a member of Luke’s Equality & Non-Discrimination Group for a couple of years,” Nick continues. ”I’m also active in defending immigrants’ rights outside of the workplace. In 2023, we founded HELSINKI LEFT, which I chaired for a year and a half. It’s a non-profit organisation and a chapter of the Left Alliance that represents and integrates immigrants in Finnish politics. Last year, I became a deputy member of the City of Helsinki’s Equality & Non-Discrimination Commission, and this year I’m a candidate in the Helsinki municipal election.”
Sandra found her calling in Oulu
Sandra was inspired to get more involved in Loimu’s activities by Nick Walters.
”He had the great idea to start an electoral association aimed not only at internationals but at achieving the higher aim of better working rights and non-discrimination for all workers in Finland. Rather than separately promote the interests of international workers, we see strength in standing with Finnish workers to promote the rights of all workers,” Sandra says.
Sandra is originally from New Jersey, USA.

”I came to the University of Oulu as an exchange student in 1997. I was only supposed to stay five months, but I liked it so much, I extended my exchange and applied to be a Master’s student at the Department of Biochemistry. I graduated with my Master’s in Biochemistry, specializing in Molecular Biology, and later defended my PhD in cardiac physiology. I’ve lived in Oulu all this time,” she explains.
”I spent many years at the university doing research, but I did not want to continue with an academic career. I found a way into industry by participating in recruitment training (rekrykoulutus), where I learned about quality and regulatory affairs for biopharmaceuticals and medical devices. I had found my calling. Now, I am a Quality and Regulatory Affairs Specialist at Innokas Medical. I help medical device manufacturers comply with regulatory requirements in order to bring their devices to market,” she continues.
Loimu supports its immigrant members
”Loimu is a very welcoming trade union whose staff have taken the initiative to support the integration of immigrants through the ’International Members Advisory Board’, in which I’ve been actively participating. It’s a great initiative that has helped us feel more welcome, when many other unions have been inactive in supporting immigrants,” Nick says.
”Through the various roles I’ve held, I understand well the challenges that immigrants face in Finland, including discrimination in the labour market. I’ve also worked as a doctoral student, a researcher, in research support services, and as a shop steward, so I understand various career perspectives. I’m motivated to support others by influencing decision-making within Loimu,” he adds.
Fighting for Workers’ Rights
Both Sandra and Nick have been deeply concerned about the current government’s policies towards workers, especially international workers, as well as its policies aimed at weakening employee unions.
”One thing I would like to do during my term is raise awareness of trade unions among internationals. Lack of information and cultural differences may be preventing internationals from joining these unions. However, if they become members, they could gain so much insight into their workers’ rights – not to mention all the other benefits that come with belonging to a union,” Sandra says.
”The most important work I plan to do is build support for the idea that we should demand that Akava takes a stronger stand against the government’s severe attacks on workers’ rights and labour unions!” Nick declares.
Everybody’s Loimu’s goals
- Greater diversity on Loimu’s Council
- Solidarity & collaboration between Finnish & immigrant members
- Equality & non-discrimination
- Bold action against legislative proposals to weaken workers’ & immigrants’ rights